An elite youth Taekwondo Sparring athlete competing at the National level averages over $5000 per year on tournament travel, registration fees, gear and uniforms. This does not include coaching fees, training classes, and advanced seminars or the expenses for food while traveling and family member chaperones.
As you can imagine, Olympic dreams bring Olympic costs. The 5K average doesn't start to cover competing in the International arena which is required for these athletes to achieve their goals.
Taekwondo is growing in the United States, in Washington State, and in the town of Monroe. Your donation to GTAA helps us foster the growth of this sport, raise awareness to the benefits of Martial Arts for youth, and assist them in achieving their dream to represent their country at the Olympics.
Your support means so much to these athletes and to the GTAA organization. Thank you.
Enter the donation amount in the green box then click on this BLUE BOX for the payment page (ex: $50.00 should be entered as 50)
We are a registered 501(c)(3) with the IRS, EIN 82-0973812, and your donations are tax-deductible.
You may mail checks to: GForce Taekwondo Athletes Association or GTAA, 17150 West Main St, Suite E, Monroe, WA 98272
Your donation may qualify for your employer's corporate matching program. Please contact us for support in setting this up.
The AmazonSmile program also supports GTAA by paying us .5% of your eligible Amazon purchases if you follow the link on this page, set GForce Taekwondo Athletes Association as your donation recipient, and make future purchases from
Fred Meyer donates quarterly based on purchases at their stores. Retain your store credits and fuel points while contributing to the GTAA. Just sign up online using your current rewards card